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8 novembre 2015 7 08 /11 /novembre /2015 03:52

(...) Moreover, center-left incumbents in Bolivia, Ecuador, Greece and El Salvador have secured their re-election by shifting to the right. For example, Bolivia’s President Evo Morales asked the Financial Times to organize a meeting on Wall Street inviting the CEO’S from 130 of the biggest multi-nationals. In this imperial ‘love-fest’, Evo offered every kind of economic inducement imaginable – outperforming the most openly neo-liberal client rulers. Across the ‘pond’, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras turned over his nation’s sovereignty to the financiers of the European Union, promising to ‘privatize’ $50 billion worth of valuable public assets, while cutting salaries and pensions and ending state subsidies for family farmers. (...)

James Petras: The Demise of Incumbents: Resurgence of the Far Right and the Absence of the Consequential Left http://petras.lahaine.org/?p=2061


Financial Times Live:

Investing in the New Bolivia Summit
New York | 26 October 2015



Evo Morales Ayma
Plurinational State of Bolivia


Evo Morales Ayma is the President-Elect of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. He is a descendent from an Aymara family [NDLR: is Morales an aymara name ?], an indigenous nation whose fundamental pillars in the formation of a whole person are in the three wise words: ama sua (don't be stealer), ama Quella (do not be lazy) and ama llulla (do not be liar). [NDLR: precept of the Inca who were the opressors of the peoples of Collasuyu/actual Bolivia and north of Argentina, included Aymaras]

President Morales Ayma is the first Indian Head of State in the history of Bolivia, a country where over half the population is indigenous. He was first elected President on December 2005 and in 2006 he took possession of the highest office of the country. Winning with 62% last year's elections, he was elected President for five years until 2020.

President Morales Ayma was a leader among the indigenous farmers [NDLR: cocalero leader] in Cochabamba's tropic, having occupied different positions in the workers’ union until he was elected as a Congressman in 1977.  

In 1997 he was elected Deputy Uninominal, with an overwhelming majority of votes-for the constituency 27 of Chapare. President Morales Ayma was a Congressman until 2002 and a Presidential Candidate for the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) in the 2002 elections.

Since then, President Morales Ayma has been considered the leader of change and the architect of the good living [NLDR: for all, really ????] of the New Plurinational State of Bolivia.

El etno-nacionalismo del Dr. Isaac Humala Nuñez: un sionismo andino

El ex dirigente de la CSUTCB, Felipe Quispe, afirmó que no hubo grandes cambios en la vida de los campesinos, con el gobierno de Evo Morales, que el objetivo era mayor con un gobierno campesino. El dirigente dice que el país sigue gobernado por "la misma elite dominante, esa misma casta criminal".

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Published by Pierre-Olivier Combelles

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